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N.E.I.L. Android
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (590KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Recorded using Rollback
DarenDownload (119KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Na Rozkaz Krále
Czech text adventure. More info.: here
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (37KB)  |  Spectrum Computing page    
More info.
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (60KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nameless One, The
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (97KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nanako Descends to Hell
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (77KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (176KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
NARCxmikexDownload (1453KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nasty Nasty
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (21KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
NATO Assault
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (364KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (307KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Navy MovesJudasEZT and ruben_Download (289KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Navy SEALsJudasEZTDownload (278KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
NebulusBobbyDownload (203KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Necks Please...
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (92KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Necris Dome
Recorded using Rollback
MalcolmDownload (85KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Necronomycon, The
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (36KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (57KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ned's Garden
Recorded using Rollback
Jim WatermanDownload (31KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (170KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nelo & Quqo and the Last Butifarreisson
Recorded using Rollback
ZnorXmanDownload (1370KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Recorded using Rollback
FilDownload (208KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nemesis II
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (109KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nemesis the Warlock
Recorded using Rollback
RafalDownload (327KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nemo's Island
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (42KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Neptune's Caverns
Recorded using Rollback
MalcolmDownload (12KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nervos This Position
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (478KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nether EarthAlessandro GrussuDownload (629KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Infinite time and invulnerability pokes used
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (277KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Style Group version. Doesn't play in SPIN
Viktor DrozdDownload (2411KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Faceoff Association version. Doesn't play in SPIN
Viktor DrozdDownload (1275KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Neverending Story II, TheTomislavDownload (522KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
NeverEnding Story, The
128K version
MalcolmDownload (176KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
More info.
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (69KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
New Dizzy
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel Pliva and Viktor DrozdDistribution Denied  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
New York Warriors
It has only 4 levels and ends with trying to load 5th level. The complete version has never been found so far.
Recorded using Rollback
RafalDownload (215KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
New Zealand Story, The
The zip file contains a single RZX file for SPIN only, and multiple RZXs for each level, for other emulators.
Recorded using Rollback
xmikex and Jamie AngusDownload (1099KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nezvěstný: 007
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (38KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nick Carter
More info.
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (56KB)  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nick Faldo Plays the Open
Getting a birdie on all 18 holes
Recorded using Rollback
C Nonsense in BASIC, 0:1Download (122KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nicotine Nightmare
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (41KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nifty Lifty
Recorded using Rollback
Roman RugalenkoDownload (139KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (2296KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nigel Mansell's World Championship
Recorded using Rollback
DarenDownload (20004KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nigel Stevenson: La Legge di Thorus
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (24KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Night Breed
Recorded using Rollback
DarenDownload (529KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Night Shift
Recorded using Rollback
xmikex and Jamie AngusDownload (2011KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
NightmareFilDownload (32KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nightmare (Futuresoft)
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (46KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nightmare on Halloween
More info.
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (47KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nightmare on Robinson Street, A
Recorded using Rollback
RafalDownload (37KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Recorded using Rollback
xmikex and Jamie AngusDistribution Denied  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
NinjadeVandemarDownload (66KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja Commando
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (155KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors
Recorded using Rollback
RafalDownload (519KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja Grannies
Recorded using Rollback
RafalDownload (250KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja Hamster
Recorded using Rollback
RafalDownload (196KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja Master
Black belt reached
FilDownload (177KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja Poison
More info.
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (158KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja Scooter Simulator
Recorded using Rollback
RafalDownload (118KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja Spirit
Recorded using Rollback
xmikexDistribution Denied  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja twins. Going to Zedeaks
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (94KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninja Warriors, The
Recorded using Rollback
RafalDownload (312KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
More info.
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (1086KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninjakul 2: The Last Ninja
More info.
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDownload (379KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Ninjakul in the AUIC Temple
More info.
Recorded using Rollback
Pavel PlívaDistribution Denied  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nipik 2
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (97KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nixy and the Seeds of Doom
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Recorded using Rollback
Solaris104Download (216KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nixy The Glade Sprite
More info.
Recorded using Rollback
Solaris104Download (177KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
No Man's Land
Recorded using Rollback
RafalDownload (101KB)  |  Watch Video  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Noah (Mike Young)
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (50KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nodes of Yesod
128K version
Recorded using Rollback
DarenDistribution Denied  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nomen Rosae
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (243KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
NonamedJudasEZTDownload (84KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Recorded using Rollback
xmikexDownload (140KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Norman's Lament
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (77KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
North & SouthRafalDownload (633KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
North Star
Recorded using Rollback
xmikexDownload (105KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nosferatu the Vampyre
Recorded using Rollback
xmikex, Jamie Angus and Andrew DrozdDownload (163KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nosferatu: Quest for the Vampire
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (43KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Not Jet Set WillyDaniel GromannDownload (19KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Not the Lord of the Rings
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (56KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Slovakian graphic adventure
Pavel PlivaDownload (47KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Noughts and Crosses, 3DPaul E. CollinsDownload (20KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Novotron 8
From the 2004 CSS Crap Games Compo
PhilicordaDownload (658KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nth Zone
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (40KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Nuclear Bowls
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (191KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Numb Cars
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (152KB)  |  Watch Video  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Number 6 in the Village
Recorded using Rollback
Paul E. CollinsDownload (69KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    
Number Painter
Recorded using Rollback
Albert VallsDownload (138KB)  |  WoS page  |  Spectrum Computing page    

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